Marty Helly, CSI
Thank You for electing me to another one year term, and for the support you’ve shown to all our volunteers. We look forward to continuing to serve you and grow the chapter.
This month we wrap up our fiscal year’s educational events calendar. It’s been a good one starting from the Architectural Scavenger Hunt back in September. We discussed Concrete issues in October getting into the details of what causes corrosion and failures and the complexities of finding repair and restoration solutions. We visited the Prior Performing Arts Center in November with an examination of the design strategies and construction process from the design team. In January we had an Energy Code update from one of our favorite building officials. February featured the Firestopping Discussion and Demonstrations at the WPI labs in February (it’s always fun and informative when we burn stuff!). Carbon Neutral Worcester and Recycling in Construction sessions in March and April kept us informed on where we’re going as our industry transforms to be more sustainable. This month we finish up with a behind the scenes look at the design and construction of the Doherty High School.
Our summer activities are more about networking, fun and scholarship.
Last year at this time we got an inside tour of the newly opened Polar Park, the home of the WooSox. In June we’ll go enjoy the facility instead of digging into the details of its construction with our annual night at the ballpark. Despite moving up to the AAA level from our traditional college futures, we’re working hard to keep the cost family friendly for our membership. We’ll focus on what it took to get it built as well as what it now takes to operate.
In July, we’ll hold our 25th annual golf tournament. This event is the primary fundraiser for our scholarship program. In assisting students to achieve their educational goals, we honor two of our founding members instrumental in making this chapter what it is and has been for 55 years – Michael Lapomardo Sr. and Ted Healy.
Central Mass AIA is joining us for the tour on the 16th. Hope you’ll make plans to be there too.