by Terri Bracken
The results are in and membership has spoken! Roughly 35% of our members responded to the online poll for the election, and all votes were unanimously for the proposed candidates.
Here are the results:
President: Marty Helly will serve as Chapter President. Marty has served many times as President of WCCSI, and recently concluded his term as President of the Northeast Region. He’ll be stepping up from his role as Chapter Vice President.
Vice-President: Peter Caruso will serve as Chapter Vice President. Since joining the Board a few years back, Pete has been an active member of the Board, conceiving of and participating in a number of our educational programs. We’re excited to see him in this new leadership role.
Treasurer: Mike Lapomardo has been re-elected as Treasurer. Mike has always done a great job of managing the finances of the Chapter, keeping us in the black.
Director: Robert Gutmann has been elected as our new Director. Robert is an architect at GRLA and holds a CDT through CSI. As a member, he’s shown great initiative through participation in our Young Professionals night out, out August planning sessions, and most recently as the lead behind our upcoming building envelope program. Welcome aboard Robert!
Congratulations to all those who were newly elected!
In other news relating to the Board:
Steve VanDyke will be stepping down from his extended 3-year term as Chapter President. We thank him for his leadership, guidance and dedication to our chapter. Steve will stepping up to relieve Mike Sheehan as the Northeast Region delegate from Worcester. He’s served as the Region Awards Chair for several years and has a good familiarity with the workings of the Board.
Mike Sheehan will serve the second year of his term as Secretary.
Neil Dixon will serve the second year of his term as Director.
Long time member and Past President Roland Barrett is stepping down from active participation on the Board but remains a constant source of assistance for the newsletter and general encouragement from behind the scenes.